I'm a therapist, educator, and researcher.

I work full-time at the University of Nebraska at Omaha as an Assistant Professor in the Grace Abbott School of Social Work. I am proud to be part of training the next generation of helpers and change-makers. I teach classes in our undergraduate and graduate programs, generally focused on social justice, healthcare, and sexuality. In addition to teaching, I am actively engaged in research. My personal research agenda is focused on the intersections of sexuality and social justice, particularly how people with stigmatized bodies navigate their sexualities and relationships. I am also affiliated faculty with the Midlands Sexual Health Research Collaborative at UNO, which conducts applied research in sexuality and sexual health and runs Huespring, an LGBTQ+ leadership development program.
Prior to joining the faculty at UNO, I spent 10 years providing comprehensive and inclusive sexuality education and general wellness education for adolescents and young adults.
I received my PhD in cognitive and developmental psychology from UNL in 2019. I received my MSW with a clinical concentration from UNO in 2013. I have provisional, Nebraska licenses in Mental Health Practice (#12065) and as a Master Social Worker (#7428). A provisional license means that I’m currently practicing under the supervision of a Licensed Independent Mental Health Provider (Dr. Amanda Randall) while I accumulate the client contact hours required to apply for a full license.
See my CV for more information about my academic and professional work.
I love my work and also my life outside of work. I spend time with my husband, Angel, and our puppies, Beartato and Gordy. I like reading novels, halfheartedly following recipes, and thinking about being outdoors. My truest passion in life is watching bad TV and trying to convince myself and everyone else that it's good TV. I am occasionally successful.